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Scholastic, the global children's publishing, education and media company, today announced that the company is further strengthening its sustainable paper procurement practices by setting industry-leading goals to increase the percentage of Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)-certified paper and post-consumer waste (pcw) recycled paper it purchases. In consultation with the Rainforest Alliance, the Green Press Initiative and other environmental organizations, the company has set a five-year goal to increase its publication paper purchase of FSC- certified paper to 30% and its use of recycled paper to 25%, of which 75% will be post-consumer waste.

The new policy adds to the company's long-standing responsible environmental practices that have already resulted in reducing paper use by more than three million pounds annually. Under the new policy, the increase in the use of pcw fiber alone will result in a reduction of 23,988,000 lbs in green house gas emissions compared to fiscal year 2006 usage, as calculated by the Environmental Defense Paper Calculator. The new policy also includes a commitment by Scholastic to help educate children about responsible environmental practices and what they can do to help preserve the environment. The policy is available at

"Our five-year goals for FSC-certified and recycled paper purchases are ambitious but achievable and important," said Maureen O'Connell, Chief Financial Officer and Chief Administrative Officer, Scholastic. "For many years, we demonstrated our commitment to responsible paper policy and we particularly raised the standard last summer with our record-setting use of environmentally-friendly papers for the seventh book in the Harry Potter series, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Scholastic will strive to continue raising the bar for environmentally-sound policies and practices, including not only the use of FSC and recycled content in our paper products but also in the construction and maintenance of our headquarters and other facilities, and in helping to educate young people about caring for the environment."

"Scholastic's environmental purchasing policy will set the bar for publishers, and its goal of ensuring that 30 percent of its paper supply is FSC-certified by 2012 will help create more demand for paper from responsibly managed forests," said Tensie Whelan, Executive Director, Rainforest Alliance ( "Sustainability is an ongoing process and commitments like this protect forests, conserve biodiversity and ensure sustainable livelihoods."

"Scholastic's green publishing policy is truly industry-leading and will do much to continue advancing positive transformations in the book sector," said Tyson Miller, Director, Green Press Initiative (

In FY07, Scholastic purchased 95,000 tons of paper for use in books, magazines, school book club flyers and other product, of which 4% was FSC- certified paper and 11% contained pcw fiber. Over the last 20 years, the company's criteria for selecting suppliers has included evaluating their sustainable forestry practices, clean manufacturing practices, credible reporting and verification, and economic viability.

New Act Green Website for Kids

Along with the new policy announcement, Scholastic today launched its new, interactive "green" website for kids called Scholastic ACT GREEN! at Designed to educate kids about climate change and sustainability and inspire them to take action to preserve the planet, the site includes the "Scholastic Greenerator," where kids can create customized "green" plans and earn "green" points, a "greenroom" message board, e-cards and green-themed videos (coming soon). There are also tips and resources for parents and teachers, including "100 Ways to Act Green."

About Scholastic

Scholastic Corporation is the world's largest publisher and distributor of children's books and a leader in educational technology. Scholastic creates quality educational and entertaining materials and products for use in school and at home, including children's books, magazines, technology-based products, teacher materials, television programming, film, videos and toys. The Company distributes its products and services through a variety of channels, including proprietary school-based book clubs, school- based book fairs, and school-based and direct-to-home continuity programs; retail stores, schools, libraries and television networks; and the Company's Internet site, Money