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In a new report released October 4, 2007 Montreal-based management consultants EEM Inc. shows Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) to be the most effective certification system for achieving sustainable forest management in Canada. The report was released by environmental publishing advocates Markets Initiative.

The press release states: 'Unlike the other certification systems, namely CSA, SFI and PEFC, FSC is the only one that prohibits the use of genetically modified trees, prevents the conversion of natural forest to plantations and requires a precautionary approach to the management of areas with high conservation value.

"Forest certification schemes have competed for recognition in the market place for years, but this research clearly shows FSC as being the ideal choice when it comes to sustainability," said Nicole Rycroft, executive director of Vancouver- based Markets Initiative, which presented the top level findings at an industry conference in late September. "Given the growth of green markets in Canada and around the world, this research can serve as a clear guide for the increasing number of customers looking for environmental solutions."'

To view a summary of the findings as well as the complete document, visit and A French version of the summary is available at

The complete media release is available at: Stewardship Council