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Caitlin Fitzsimmons

Print and Media Certification is targeting small UK printing businesses for its industry-specific Forestry Stewardship Council scheme and has signed up its first participant.

The FSC Chain of Custody Group Scheme gives businesses with fewer than 15 employees the opportunity to obtain the certification with a lower cost assessment and certification, using PMC's print expert assessors.

The scheme is run on behalf of FSC-accredited certification body Control Union in the Netherlands, in partnership with PMC.

PMC director Jon Stack said customers increasingly demanded FSC certification from its suppliers but it was beyond the reach of many smaller companies.

"Unlike other certification bodies, our assessors work in print companies all the time, and this ensures that clients are assessed by auditors who understand the processes and problems encountered in the sector," Stack said.

"The FSC standard adds value to the printed product, by giving it a verifiable social and environmental quality, and by demonstrating that the printer takes the environmental concerns of its customers and staff seriously. It is rapidly becoming essential."

PMC is also accredited by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service to perform certification for ISO 9001, the Quality Management Standard, and can also offer certification in ISO 14001, the Environmental Management standard, PEFC, ISO 27001, the Information Security Management standard, ISO 12647, the Colour Management standard and a whole range of other certifications relevant to the paper, print and publishing industries.Print Week