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Even with e-mail, we are still a predominantly paper society.

America uses 100 million tons of paper each year, consuming one fourth of all the trees cut down in this country.

But there is an awakening within the paper industry, which means you have another opportunity to make a difference by Going Green.

Victoria's Secret sends out about a million catalogues a day. That's a lot of paper.

Environmental groups went after Victoria's Secret, chastising the lingerie company for using pulp from endangered forests.

After several full-page ads in the New York Times, the company agreed to use eco-friendly paper.

Derek Smith, an expert on green paper, was the headliner at a recent Washington event sponsored by Eason Associates Graphic Design. They brought 10 of the nation's major paper companies together to show that American companies can now fill their offices with paper and not hurt the environment or their bottom line.

Green paper is everywhere. Companies like New Leaf, Storenso, Sappi and Neenah are all making office paper from recycled pulp and forests that are sustainable.

Mohawk paper is not only green, it's produced with wind power.

People are becoming conscious of the environmental damage we inadvertently do in our everyday lives.

Chris Charbonnau of Sappi Fine Paper said his customers now ask questions they didn't ask before.

Ned Daly is head of the Forest Stewardship Council, a third party that certifies the forests used in paper production.

The FSC logo on paper products and on lumber guarantees the trees were grown for that purpose. It means they did not come from illegal lumbering, which occurs in the rain forests of Indonesia, Bolivia and Africa.

There are some ways experts said people could help.

Environmentalists said people should check the paper in their office to see if it is FSC certified.

They also recommend canceling all unwanted catalogues.NBC 30