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BEIJING (XFN-ASIA) - A US congressional advisory body said China is not living up to its promises as a member of the World Trade Organization, and called for the US to be more insistent on getting Beijing to fulfill its commitments, the Wall Street Journal reported.

"China's adherence to its many WTO obligations remains spotty and halting in important areas five years after China attained membership," the US-China Economic and Security Commission said.

The commission made a list of 44 recommendations for Congress, the report said.

The commission also recommended that Congress pressure the administration to file complaints with the WTO and the International Monetary Fund against currency manipulation.w

While noting that China has recently accelerated the rate at which it allows the yuan to appreciate, Carolyn Bartholomew, vice chair of the committee, said, "The progress that has been made has been woefully inadequate."Xinhua Financial Network News