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Ambitious plans to expand Scotland's forestry industry and encourage the use of wood fuel and sustainable timbers in construction have been unveiled.

The strategy, launched by Forestry Minister Rhona Brankin, looks beyond economic outcomes and outlines environmental and social opportunities.

It also highlights the benefits of woodland in absorbing carbon emissions.

Ms Brankin said well-managed forests were one of Scotland's best "insurance policies" against future uncertainties.

"Climate change is happening now and creating great uncertainty," she said.

"We need to prepare and be flexible in our approach to managing our woodlands so that future generations can reap the benefits of our forests.

"This strategy will help to prepare our environment for changes and well-managed forests will provide a range of benefits such as promoting the well-being of people and contributing to local economies."

Bob McIntosh, Director of Forestry Commission Scotland, said the new vision would benefit many types of rural businesses and provide opportunities for diversification of agricultural businesses.BBC News