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The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources' new logging plans for state land in Northeastern Minnesota will be open for public comments from July 5 to Aug. 4.

The draft forest management plans for the North Shore Highlands, Toimi Uplands and Laurentian Uplands show logging plans for the next 10 years.

The state manages about 207,000 acres in the North Shore area, about 9 percent of the total 2.4 million acres.

The state plans to sell trees from 2,647 stands totaling 52,562 acres -- or 25 percent of the state's timberland in the area considered.

The plan is available at or is available as a CD-ROM or a 320-page report. The specific location and information about individual stands selected for possible treatment can be viewed at Comments about individual stands can be submitted to the DNR through the Web site.

An open house is scheduled from 4-7 p.m. July 19 at the DNR area office at 1568 U.S. 2, Two Harbors.

Send requests for the plan, more information or comments to or to Gaylord Paulson, DNR-Division of Forestry, 500 Lafayette Road, St. Paul, MN 55155-4044, or call (651) 259-5280.Duluth News Tribune