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A new, one-hour documentary film that tackles issues of fair trade and certification labeling reccoments FSC certification as one of the solutions. The film, which was presented at the FSC General Assembly in Manaus, 2005, held its East Coast of the United States premiere this March at the 14th annual Washington, D.C. Environmental Film Festival.

As stated in the festival's program: the Seattle World Trade Organization meetings and other trade gatherings have stirred powerful sentiment against globalization; but world trade is a juggernaut that will not be stopped.

Questions raised include is there a way to make free trade
FAIR? How can retailers and consumers use their purchasing power and market choice to make the world better for people and the environment? What is the promise of product certification and labeling? And, how do consumers decide whether the labels can be believed?

Taking viewers to Mexico, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Sweden, the United States and Canada, the exquisitely photographed film explores how consumers and businesses can use the market to promote social justice and environmental sustainability through product labeling. It focuses on Fair Trade coffee and Forest Stewardship Council certified wood. The powerful documentary seeks to open a dialogue about new ways to make globalization work for all of us.

The film is narrated by Scott Simon of National Public Radio, and produced and directed by John de Graaf. If you would like to know how to get a copy of the film, please email John de Graaf degrj@kcts.orgFSC News and Notes