The Great Lakes Wood Stove Change-Out Program
Jack Annis
The US EPA has conducted research which indicates that a significant percentage of Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH's) released to the environment in the Great Lakes Region come from older wood burning stoves. Because of the environmental impact of these stoves, US EPA has developed a
partnership project among several states, EPA Region 5, and the Hearth Products Association to encourage replacement of older inefficient stoves. The retailers of hearth products will be offering a percentage off the price of new stoves including gas, wood, and pellet stoves throughout Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, New York, North/South Dakota as well as Ontario, Canada. The percentage off will vary from retailer to retailer. Furthermore, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources DNR has been
able to obtain Great Lakes Protection Fund money to support and enhance the effort by offering an incentive payment of $200.00 for every old stove changed out and disposed of properly through participating retailers located in a Great Lakes Basin county. Contact the DNR for specifics
concerning the $200.00 incentive requirements.
This program is being supported by DNR to encourage upgrading to more efficient stoves and the proper disposal of old, inefficient wood stoves that contribute to air and water pollution by releasing particulates,Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC's) as well as PAH's. This program also
offers citizens of Wisconsin a way to take action on their own to improve air quality. The program began on February 1, 2001 and will run through April 30, 2001.
For further information, contact the Heath Association directly by calling 1-877-81-STOVE or visit online at Or,contact Laurel Sukup, DNR, Business Sector Specialist in Rhinelander, at