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A Canadian company that harvests ice from icebergs to make beer and vodka has signed a deal to export freshwater from Greenland. Iceberg Corporation of America was the first company in Canada licensed to harvest icebergs for fresh water.

The Newfoundland based Iceberg Corporation of America believes a global water shortage is looming. The 700,000 square miles of Greenland's ice cap could help solve part of that shortage, said Iceberg's vice president Maurice Murphy, on Tuesday. The Greenland ice cap is up to 3.5 kilometers (two miles) thick and is a source of freshwater which predates humans and pollution.

The 750 or so icebergs that break off from glaciers each year and drift south from Greenland are floating masses of freshwater ice formed in the pristine air of 3000 BC. See related story in September 4, 2000 issue of FORBES, p.114.: