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Larry Elliott

Paul Krugman, America's heir apparent to JK Galbraith, was in London last week expressing incredulity about the way in which his country's politics have been captured by the super rich and the religious right.

Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal settlement had been relentlessly whittled away, with the Democrats seemingly powerless to defend their own legacy. Would it, Krugman mused, take another Great Depression to breathe new life into progressive politics in the world's richest democracy?

A good question, which dovetailed neatly with the gloomy sentiments expressed by Jim Wolfensohn, president of the World Bank, in Shanghai.

The international commitment to eradicate poverty was near a "low point", Wolfensohn said.

Hard to gainsay that, or the title of a symposium organised by the World Trade Organisation in Geneva last week, Multilateralism at the Crossroads. Trade talks are stalled, there is a reluctance to provide more generous debt relief, aid is tightly rationed. Even leaving aside the problems of finding a multilateral solution to climate change, the outlook is not promising.

And yet, all is not lost. The right sequence of decisions over the next 18 months could radically alter the picture without the necessity of a Krugman-style apocalyptic event to lubricate change. Repeated policy failures and snail-like progress in international negotiations have at least allowed policy makers the luxury of honing their analysis of what needs to be done. There is no shortage of expertise: it is the political will that is lacking.

The first priority is to unblock the WTO's Doha round of trade talks, which have been going nowhere since the breakdown of negotiations in Cancun, Mexico, last year. At the WTO's headquarters in Geneva, the mood is reasonably upbeat about the prospects of a framework deal by the end of July, if only because the alternative - kicking the talks into the long grass for years to come - has concentrated minds wonderfully.

Indeed, the bleakest predictions made in the aftermath of Cancun have failed to materialise. The Europeans have not sulked in their tents but have instead offered concessions on agriculture, the Americans have not retreated into isolationism, the G20 coalition of developing nations has not disintegrated.

Pressure to reform the common agricultural policy has kept Europe at the negotiating table and explains its offer to eliminate all export subsidies, while the WTO ruling against the US over support for its cotton farmers has much wider implications, since the same regime applies to other branches of American farm support.

But there will be a new European commission in place by the end of the year, there is an election looming in America and the top job at the WTO comes up for grabs next year.

The concern is that unless something happens over the next couple of months, there will at best be a prolonged delay while the new personnel find their feet while at worst the teams will have no personal commitment to a process begun by their predecessors.

As such, the likeliest outcome is that July will see a minimalist framework agreement that will at least keep the talks alive. Washington and Brussels are not really concerned about squeezing concessions out of the poorest countries (most of which have had their trade liberalised by structural adjustment programmes in any case) but have their sights set on the bigger developing countries such as India, China and Brazil - the core of the G20.

Whether what emerges will qualify as a genuine development round or be, in the words of one participant at last week's symposium, "just PR", is a moot point. Most of what happens in WTO negotiations is deeply opaque, and even the offer from Pascal Lamy, European trade commissioner, to the G90 countries of a "round for free" has been greeted with scepticism, not least because on closer examination the G90 appears to include only 63 nations!

Development activists say it is unclear which countries would qualify, unclear what the benefits would be and unclear what would have to be given in return. A true development round, they insist, would include the early elimination of the EU's direct export subsidies, including those for sugar and dairy, the inclusion of America's back door protectionism for farmers by way of export credits and food aid, direct cuts in the support measures that generate surpluses, deep reductions in EU and US tariffs, and a sense of realism about the obligations to liberalise that can be placed on developing countries.

The last point is a crucial one, and meshes trade with debt and aid. As the United Nations conference of trade and development (Unctad) noted last week, the brutal truth is that many poor countries are in no shape to take advantage of more open markets, even assuming they become available. Moreover, if trade does increase, the benefits will be felt by a small privileged minority and not by the bulk of the population scraping a subsistence existence off the land. Think of England in the Middle Ages: the wealth of the merchants in the City of London was of little relevance to the predominantly rural economy.

Trade liberalisation without growth - and without growth targeted at reduc ing inequality, at that - is pointless, so the first priority has to be to invest in basic economic infrastructures.

"Capital accumulation and technological progress are the engine of growth, and international trade is the fuel for the engine. If the fuel dries up, the engine will not run," says Rubens Ricupero, Unctad's secretary general.

"Many poor countries run big balance of payments deficits, usually filled by aid flows and remittances from overseas.

"A major aim of all least developed countries should be to reduce their aid dependence and external indebtedness. But in the short run, the link between trade expansion and poverty reduction can be broken if increased trade is seen as an opportunity for reduced aid. If increases in export performance are associated with decreases in international assistance and increases in debt service obligations, there is a danger of leaving a country running on the same spot despite a major effort to finance its own development."

This gets to the nub of the issue. Are the rich countries willing to respond to genuine attempts by poor countries to improve governance by increasing development assistance?

Gordon Brown's International Financing Facility is an attempt to increase aid flows, but overcoming resistance to the idea is proving difficult and slow. And yet, the logic behind Brown's proposal is inexorable, as illustrated by a joint Treasury and Department of Trade and Industry paper.

"Developing countries have to overcome significant capacity constraints in order to capture the benefits of more open trade . . . it is therefore critical that trade reform in developed countries is accompanied by increases in aid flows through mechanisms such as the International Financing Facility."

It adds that developing countries are often heavily dependent on preferential treatment, the removal of which could cause "profound structural change" and lead to bigger trade deficits.

"This suggests carefully designed and sequenced trade reform packages, which are integrated into development and poverty reduction strategies, and supported by significant additional international aid flows for investment in physical, human and institutional capital would help ease capacity constraints and help manage change."

An excellent analysis. All that remains is for Brown to convince the rest of the G8 that they must double aid to $ 100bn a year, write off debt more aggressively and allow poor countries to liberalise gradually as their economies strengthen and are able to take the strain. No problem. Piece of cake, really. Guardian (London):