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Reuters | September 30, 1999 | Julie Vorman

WASHINGTON - Peter Scher, special U.S. ambassador for agricultural trade, was cited as saying today that U.S. trade negotiators are working with other countries to draft a proposal that would force the European Union to speed up its approval procedures for imports of genetically modified (GM) crops.

The story says that the regulation of bioengineered crops is expected to be a contentious issue at the World Trade Organization talks that begin in November, because of consumer concern about potential long-term impacts on health and the environment.

Scher was cited as telling a Senate Agriculture subcommittee hearing on the world trade talks that a U.S. proposal for GM crop approval procedures will not be ready until mid-2000, adding, "Our goal is to ensure that the approval process is done in a science-based, transparent and timely way. Our goal is not to dictate to Europe."

He did not elaborate on what kinds of procedural changes Washington might seek in its WTO proposal next year but did add that U.S. negotiators were already discussing options with their counterparts from Canada, the Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation, and other farm experts.

Gus Schumacher, a U.S. Agriculture Department undersecretary on foreign issues, was quoted as telling the same hearing that, "The EU has frozen the approval process, and it needs to be thawed."

Under questioning by Senate Democrats on the panel, Scher also said that U.S. trade negotiators were determined to hold the EU to regulatory approvals it has already given to GM crop varieties. For example, currently all types of GM soybeans grown by U.S. farmers are approved by the EU for imports.

"We've made it very clear that if that would become a problem for them it would become a major trade crisis for us," Scher said, referring to any retroactive action by the EU.

The labelling of foods made with GM crops is also likely to be raised at the WTO talks, which are expected to continue for about three years.

American farm groups worry that labels could be improperly used as a non-tariff trade barrier.

Scher was quoted as telling reporters after the hearing that, "We believe that labelling should be science-based and should not impede trade in any way. It should be implemented in such a way that is consistent with international obligations."

Agriculture Secretary Dan Glickman earlier this year urged companies to consider voluntary labels on foods made from GM crops, citing the desire of consumers for more information.

The U.S. government has repeatedly said that labels are not needed on foods made from GM crops unless the nutritional content of the food was changed, an allergen introduced, or if cooking procedures needed to be changed.

Archer Daniels Midland Co., one of the nation's biggest grain exporters, shook up the U.S. agribusiness industry earlier this month when it told suppliers and farmers they must begin segregating GM crops from conventional crops to satisfy consumer demands.

"ADM made what was obviously a business decision," Scher said. "A lot of us would be interested in why they made that decision."Reuters: