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IATP UNCTAD Update | April 14, 2004

UNCTAD XI preparations : Meeting on logistics, briefing by Ambassador De Seixas Correa of Brazil, 14th of April 2004-04-17

- After the 7th of May a special desk will be opened in the UN building for visas.

- The deadline for special rates for hotels was extended from the 16th of April to the 30th of April.

- Brazil will provide a map on its website with the location of the different Hotels but indicated that all hotels on the list are located near the Anhembi conference centre

- There will be a shuttle bus service from the airport to the recommended hotels and from the hotels to the conference centre.

- There are 100-150 people rooms for general debates during the conference and for the head of states or ministers meetings. Broadcasting can take place. These general debates will take place alongside the thematic sessions.

- There is no information yet on the participation of the Head of States.

- Interpretation availability is limited and priority will be given to the official programme, the intergovernmental track (thematic sessions and general debate). Other events will receive interpretation on availability but interpretation cannot be guaranteed.

- Countries can provide their own interpretation and use the facilities. The Secretariat will set up a procedure for this, but besides the official UN languages there might not be many interpreter booths left to be used.

- The secretariat will assist in the organization of bilateral meetings.

- For the inaugural ceremony there will be restrictions on the number of delegations, however in the auditorium part there will be enough space and inside the plenary hall a space will be reserved for civil society.

- There will be a roundtable on the 13th of Head of States and governments on a to be determined theme.

- More information can be found on the host country website: UNCTAD Update: