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Africa News | By Angola Press Agency | March 11, 2004

The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) is holding a meeting since Monday in Lisbon, Portugal, to disccuss Sustainable Tourism As A Factor Of Development.

A note from that UN organism, sent to ANGOP on Wednesday, states that attending this event are more than 50 countries members which are sharing knowledges and experiences in the sphere of Sustainable Tourism, in a gathering which ends Thursday.

Promoted by UNCTAD, in the ambit of aid to developing countries, the meeting will propose ways for the growth of tourism.

The tourism is one of the world's most powerful industries and has the fastest growth rate, in addition to being a source of jobs and incomes in constant progression, either in developed countries or in developing ones.

The note refers that the benefits of the worldwide touristic activity is distributed unequally, giving examples of 2001 in which at least 49 developing countries received less than one percent of the touristic flux and less than 0.5 percent of the international tourism income.

That imbalance is due to the fact that the tourism of the developing countries depends on foreign network operators, it says.Africa News: