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Morning Star | February 6, 2002

FRIENDS of the Earth International called on members of the World Economic Forum (WEF) leaving a meeting in New York yesterday to take urgent steps to meet their social and environmental responsibilities.

Despite days of discussions on the theme of Leadership in Fragile Times: A Vision for a Shared Future, the meeting failed to tackle the key question of how business will adapt to meet the pressing need for corporate accountability and a sustainable development model. Thousands also attended a link-up to the World Social Forum in Porto Alegre, Brazil, to call for curbs on undemocratic corporate power.

On the streets, more than 20,000 protesters sent a clear message through the police barriers to leaders gathered inside the Waldorf Astoria that the behaviour of the WEF must change.

FoE spokesman Tony Juniper called for the problems of growing corporate power to be discussed at the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg this August.

"The ball is now firmly in the corporations' court. The clearest message coming out of New York is that the corporate agenda is failing people and failing the planet.

"Members of the World Economic Forum cannot afford to ignore these issues. We have set them a challenge to account for their actions and to meet their responsibilities. We are now waiting and watching for their response, "he said.

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