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Jiji Press Ticker Service | November 15, 2001

Doha, Qatar - The following are the outlines of a declaration on a new trade round adopted at the end of the ministerial meeting of the World Trade Organization Wednesday:

Preface: Determined to continue reform of trade policies and liberalization processes. Welcomed accession by China and Taiwan.

Agriculture: Agreed to start negotiations on reduction of all export subsidies with a view to their gradual abolition. Negotiation formalities will be determined by the end of March 2003.

Services: Member countries will offer first proposals by the end of March 2003.

Trade and investment, competition: Negotiations will be started on multilateral framework after the next ministerial meeting based on formalities to be adopted at the meeting.

Transparency of government procurement: Agreed to start negotiations aimed at a multilateral agreement.

Facilitation of trade: Agreed to start negotiations on improvement of customs clearance procedures and other matters.

WTO rules: Agreed to start negotiations on clarification and improvement of rules of antidumping agreements.

Trade and environment: Agreed to start negotiations on reduction and abolition of tariff and nontariff barriers relating to the environment.

Duration of negotiations: The trade round will be concluded by Jan. 1, 2005.

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