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INTERNATIONAL TRADE DAILY Highlights Wednesday, November 14, 2001 ______________________________

TALKS ON AGENDA FOR NEW WTO TRADE ROUND GO INTO OVERTIME AS INDIA GOES TO THE MAT DOHA, Qatar--Members of the World Trade Organization worked into the early hours of Nov. 14 in an effort to paper over differences between developed and developing countries on the launch of a new global trade round. A/itd.nsf/id/A0A4Y1Z7M1_

WTO NEGOTIATORS TRY TO PRESERVE TENUOUS 'HOUSE OF CARDS' ON AGRICULTURE DOHA, Qatar--Negotiators at the World Trade Organization's fourth ministerial conference in Doha have entered the final hours of talks seeking to preserve a text on agriculture, which one key official described as a fragile "house of cards." A/itd.nsf/id/A0A4Y1Z7U2_

ACCORD POSSIBLE ON DUMPING, SUBSIDIES AT DOHA WTO TALKS; U.S. SHOWS FLEXIBILITY DOHA, Qatar--The United States appeared set Nov. 12 to agree to begin talks with other member countries of the World Trade Organization on improving and strengthening the WTO's existing rules and disciplines dealing with antidumping and countervailing duty procedures and practices. A/itd.nsf/id/A0A4Y1Z7V8_

PROVISIONAL AGREEMENT ON TRIPS REACHED AT WTO MINISTERIAL IN DOHA DOHA, Qatar--Member countries of the World Trade Organization Nov. 12 reached provisional agreement on a ministerial declaration aimed at settling a long-running dispute over intellectual property protection and developing-country access to affordable medicine for HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and other diseases. A/itd.nsf/id/A0A4Y1Z7Y5_

WTO'S SUPACHAI COULD OPT FOR THAI POLITICS, FORGO JOB AS NEXT HEAD OF WTO, SOURCES SAY DOHA, Qatar--The next director-general of the World Trade Organization, Supachai Panitchpakdi, has made it known privately that he could decide to step aside and return to domestic politics in his native Thailand before assuming the WTO post next fall, informed sources said Nov. 12. A/itd.nsf/id/A0A4Y1Z8C5_

EU'S NEXT MOVE MAY HOLD KEY TO LAUNCH OF NEW ROUND AT DOHA DOHA, Qatar--The European Union's reaction to diminished prospects for the launch of a comprehensive new trade round is expected to hold the key to whether the World Trade Organization agrees on initiating the global negotiations. A/itd.nsf/id/A0A4Y1Z8D6_

INDIAN COMMERCE MINISTER MARAN TAKES HARD STANCE IN WTO TALKS ON NEW ROUND DOHA, Qatar--Indian Commerce and Industry Minister Murasoli Maran struck a hard line Nov. 10 in negotiations on the launch of a new trade round, declaring New Delhi's opposition to new WTO negotiations on investment, competition policy, and the environment. A/itd.nsf/id/A0A4Y1Z8F8_

CHINA TO BECOME WTO MEMBER DEC. 11, PLEDGES SUPPORT FOR DEVELOPING MEMBERS DOHA, Qatar--Members of the World Trade Organization will welcome China into the global trading body as a full member effective Dec. 11--earlier than most observers had expected. A/itd.nsf/id/A0A4Y1Z8H3_

CHINA WELCOMES WTO ENTRY WITH ANXIETY AS INDUSTRIES FACE INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION BEIJING--China's leadership welcomed formal acceptance into the World Trade Organization Nov. 11 in Doha, saying that the country's industries were prepared to face international competition and that regulators will continue to overhaul laws affecting trade until they are made WTO compliant. A/itd.nsf/id/A0A4Y1Z8K3_

TAIWAN OBTAINS ADMISSION TO WTO; MEMBERSHIP SEEN AS POLITICAL VICTORY BEIJING--Taiwan was formally accepted into the World Trade Organization Nov. 12, one day after mainland China was approved and 12 years after the island completed its accession agreements, in accordance with a 1992 informal agreement between Beijing and the trade body. A/itd.nsf/id/A0A4Y1Z8P4_

CHINA TO UNIFY TAX REGIME FOR DOMESTIC, FOREIGN FIRMS TO COMPLY WITH WTO PROTOCOL BEIJING--China will unify tax treatment for foreign and domestic firms and cut back its burdensome value-added tax regime, a senior tax official said Nov. 13. A/itd.nsf/id/A0A4Y1Z8R7_

BRAZIL, CANADA SET DATE TO RESUME TALKS ON DISPUTE OVER AIRCRAFT EXPORT SUBSIDIES RIO DE JANEIRO--Brazil's foreign ministry announced Nov. 6 that talks will resume this Nov. 20 with Canada on the five-year dispute between the two nations over jet exports. A/itd.nsf/id/A0A4Y1Z8U8_

BUSH EXTENDS PAKISTAN $1 BILLION IN AID, BUT WITHOUT INCLUDING TEXTILE TARIFF CUTS President Bush said Nov. 13 that the $1 billion U.S. economic assistance package for Pakistan, first announced Nov. 10, is part of an effort by the United States to ensure the stability of the government of President Pervez Musharraf, and will include debt relief, cover the cost of ongoing military operations in the war on terrorism, and expand trade opportunities. A/itd.nsf/id/A0A4Y1Z8V8_

GEORGIA LAWMAKERS CAUTION ITC ON STEEL REMEDY RECOMMENDATIONS Two Georgia congressmen--Reps. Nathan Deal (R-Ga.) and Johnny Isakson (R-Ga.)--Nov. 8 cautioned the International Trade Commission to consider the interests of steel users in recommending a remedy for U.S. steel producers battered by a surge of imports. A/itd.nsf/id/A0A4Y1Z8X3_

GERMAN TRADE SURPLUS WIDENS IN SEPTEMBER, OFFICE SAYS; EXPORTS ARE SURPRISINGLY STRONG FRANKFURT--Germany's trade surplus widened to 11.7 billion marks (about $5.3 billion) in September from 8.3 billion in September 2000, the Federal Statistics Office in Wiesbaden reported Nov. 13. A/itd.nsf/id/A0A4Y1Z8Y5_

JAPAN MAFF SUSPENDS POULTRY IMPORTS FROM UNITED STATES, CITING HEALTH RISK TOKYO--Japan's Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries Nov. 9 suspended, effective immediately, imports of chickens and other live fowls and poultry meats from the United States to prevent a fowl pest called H7N2, an MAFF official said Nov. 12. A/itd.nsf/id/A0A4Y1Z8Z8_

__________ International Trade Daily (ISSN 1533-1350) Highlights are published daily by The Bureau of National Affairs, Inc., 1231 25th St., NW, Washington, DC 20037.

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