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By: Charlotte Denny | The Guardian (London)

Vistors to the Greenpeace vessel - apart from a police diver - included EU envoy Pascal Lamy, who called for rules separating trade deals and the environment Photograph: Patrick Baz/EPA

Some of the world's poorest nations have complained that they are being browbeaten by developed nations into accepting sweeping free trade talks.

The world's largest trading powers have issued an implied threat that failure to strike a deal at the World Trade Organisation conference on the shores of the Gulf in Doha this week could deal a shattering blow to the global economy.

As the five-day WTO meeting of ministers from 142 nations passes the halfway stage, the rift between rich and poor countries is emerging as the biggest obstacle to the launch of a new round of trade negotiations. Developing countries are firmly opposed to EU and US plans to extend trade liberalisation talks into a wide range of new areas. Clare Short, Britain's international development secretary issued a stark warning that with the world economy is in a fragile state, the WTO could not afford a repeat of its disastrous Seattle meeting two years ago which collapsed after developing countries walked out and police fought with anti-globalisation protesters in the streets outside.

"For any country to blow it (the talks) apart at this stage would be very serious," she said.

Developing countries complained that they were being pushed into signing up to a deal by the threat that failure would destroy the WTO and damage the world economy.

"We are made to feel that we are holding up the rescue of the global economy if we don't agree to a new round here," said Dr Richard Bernal, a Jamaican delegate.

Some delegates have told development lobby groups that the European Union and the US are threatening the most recalcitrant developing countries with losing access to western markets under established trade deals if they continue to oppose new talks.

Ms Short denied that pressure was being applied to developing countries by the big trading powers.

While the EU has sent more than 500 officials to fight its corner at the meeting, some small countries have only a couple of delegates, and one WTO member, Haiti, has no representative.

WTO spokesman Keith Rockwell said: "There are concerns among members about the failure of the conference. It is by no means certain that they will bridge the gaps."By: Charlotte Denny: