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HAVANA, October 29 Caribbean countries on Monday rejected a United States proposal to create a link between the war against terrorism and World Trade Organization (WTO) negotiations to be held in Doha, Qatar.

At a press conference in Bridgetown, capital of Barbados, the chief negotiator of the Regional Negotiating Office, Shridath Ramphal, said he was concerned over the matter because the U.S. was suggesting a strategy to be dealt with in Doha and proposing that negotiations be centered on the war against terrorism." The 4th ministerial meeting of the World Trade Organization is scheduled to take place on November 9-13 in Doha, Qatar.

Ramphal said the bond Washington wanted to impose between trade talks and the anti-terrorism fight "is a dangerous fallacy, designed to put developing countries participating in the Doha event inside a pressure pot."

Caribbean countries and their allies, particularly in Asia and Africa, ought to be watchful because what was considered a success for the U.S might not be considered as such by others, he warned.: