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Agence France Presse October 22, 2001

World Trade Organization Director General Mike Moore said Monday a key WTO ministerial conference was going ahead as planned in Qatar next month, saying he was sure it would succeed.

"Our planning and our wish is to be here in couple of weeks to have a successful meeting for the ministers," Moore told reporters at the airport just before he flew out. But asked if he could confirm that meeting would definitely take place in Doha, he replied: "Of course, there are uncertainties, but our plan is to go ahead.

"Everyone has anxieties, but we want to be here and I want to be here.

"I am confident that the conference will achieve its goals with all the facilities offered by Qatar," he said.

Since the September 11 terror attacks in the United States, reports have spread that the WTO would switch the venue away from the close proximity of Afghanistan for security reasons.

The European Union and the United States said last week the choice of Qatar as host was under review. Singapore, Mexico and Davos have all been mooted as safe alternatives.

Moore, who spoke after talks with Foreign Minister Hamad bin Jassam al-Thani, arrived Saturday to complete preparations for the meeting.: