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Agence France Presse | October 10, 2001

GENEVA - Iran presented its request for membership of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) for the third time this year on Wednesday but the move was again immediately blocked by the United States, trade sources said.

A US diplomat at the meeting of the WTO's ruling general council said the country was not in a position to consider the request at this stage but that the matter was under review and they hoped to solve the issue in the near future.

Tehran has asked the world trade body, which operates on a consensus basis among its 142 member states, for the green light to begin its membership process three times since May. The US has blocked the move each time. After the last attempt in July, Iranian state radio, in a commentary lashed out at the United States saying it was a "new sign of US hostility towards Iran".

"America knows that if Iran, which applied for membership a long time ago, is granted entrance to the WTO, it can no longer uphold the sanctions against Tehran," the radio said.

Iran told July's meeting, in a document outlining its request, that for the last several years it has embarked on "an extensive programme of reconstruction and development leading to expansion of economic relations and trade with its regional and global partners".

It first asked for WTO membership in September 1996 but the request featured on the general council's agenda for the first time only in May because of a lack of consensus among WTO members.

An Egyptian diplomat, speaking on behalf of an informal group of developing countries in support of Iran's bid, said they regretted no decision had yet been taken.

Tehran and Washington broke off ties after the 1979 seizure of US embassy staff as hostages by Islamic students. Attempts at rapprochement have been dogged by fierce resentment over US support for Israel.

Washington has also imposed unilateral sanctions against Iran.

The US State Department listed Iran as a state sponsor of terrorism.Agence France Presse: