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For Immediate Release: September 14, 2001 Contact: Richard Mills 202-395-3230

WASHINGTON - United States Trade Representative Robert B. Zoellick today issued the following statement regarding the November World Trade Organization (WTO) meetings in Doha, Qatar:

"America has been attacked by those who want us to retreat from world leadership. Let there be no misunderstanding: the United States will continue to advance the values that define this nation - openness, opportunity, democracy and compassion. Trade reinforces these values, serving as an engine of growth and a source of hope for workers and families in the United States and the world. Trade is particularly vital today for developing nations that are increasingly relying on the international economy to overcome poverty and create opportunity.

"While we will take every possible step to ensure security, it is important that the World Trade Organization meeting in Doha proceed so that the world trading system can continue to promote international growth, development, and openness.":