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International Herald Tribune January 25, 2001

When United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan addresses the World Economic Forum on Jan. 28, his speech will focus on the progress of the Global Compact.

Kofi Annan has thrown the full weight of his authority as secretary-general of the United Nations behind the Global Compact and staked much of his personal and professional reputation on its success.

The Global Compact is just one initiative that encourages collaboration among business, nongovernmental organizations, UN organizations, governments and other partners to encourage social development.

The Global Compact asks the private sector to embrace, support and enact a set of core values within their sphere of influence in the areas of labor standards, human rights and environmental practices.

Sense In the movies, businesspeople are almost always ``the bad guys,'' ready to sacrifice their workers, their neighbors - even the planet itself - in the name of profit. If this were true, wouldn't we have run out of workers, neighbors and planets by now?

The Global Compact enlists the inventiveness, influence and self-interest of the private sector in an endeavor to make globalization work for all the world's people - if it doesn't, it won't work for anyone in the end, because it will fall victim to backlash and protectionism.

Navigational Aid in a High-Stakes Journey: The Press Someday we will look back at the Global Compact, and it will appear as a small, first step on a long journey.

Building Blocks Of the Global Compact Key dates in the creation of the Global Compact.

To have maximum impact on labor standards, the Global Compact message needs to reach the small companies that form the vast majority of the world's businesses - and employ most of the global workforce.

The Ripple Effect Says Roger Leeds, director of the Center for International Business and Public Policy at the School of Advanced International Studies in Washington, D.C.: ``It is a bum rap that multinational corporations are bad corporate citizens.''

Q & A: Part of a Tapestry of Actions Professor Jagdish Bhagwati teaches economics and political science at Columbia University. Here, he speaks about the implications of the Global Compact for business in the developing world and the limits of corporate social responsibility.

Q & A: Compact Must Avoid `Command and Control' The International Chamber of Commerce was one of the first business organizations to respond to the challenge of the Global Compact. Here, ICC Secretary-General Maria Livanos Cattaui speaks from the perspective of the thousands of companies the ICC represents. Investment: A Vital Ingredient For Development Helping some of the world's poorest countries to bring in the foreign direct investment that will enable them to develop their economic capacity and raise living standards is one of many goals shared by the International Chamber of Commerce and the UN.

Companies Take the Lead in Green Action The second Earth Summit next year, 10 years after the world's governments held their first global environmental conference in Rio, will tackle issues that defy frontiers and affect the lives of the entire population. U.S. Businesses Back Annan's Concept But Want More Clarity Support from a broad range of U.S. companies will be vital to the Global Compact's success, but so far, many of the big names of American business have remained aloof.

High-Tech Companies Offer Their Know-How When Bill Gates of Microsoft questioned the value of ``creating digital dividends'' at a conference last November in Seattle, he created a stir.

Guarding Human Rights in Conflict Zones Geology has no respect for human failings, as oil and mining companies are constantly reminded. Many of the world's most abundant natural resources are in places that are not only difficult to access and located in inhospitable environments, but where local populations endure armed conflict.

Keeping Track Needs Vigilance Targeted by human rights and labor activists since 1992, Nike has taken steps to repair its image as a company that tolerates starvation wages and unacceptable treatment of workers.

A Modest Yet Mighty Force for Social Change A small Internet service provider in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia named ``Sandy'' reflects its owner's conviction that socially responsible business is good business.

Aid for an Identity Crisis Refugee registration - the simple act of recording names and basic family information - plays a pivotal role not only in logistical organization, but also in the restoration of human dignity.

ICC: The World Business Organization Companies large and small, from family businesses to many of the world's leading multinationals, are among its 7,000 members.