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Staff Reporter Patric Lane

Opponents of free trade need to wake up and take a reality check, according to World Trade Organisation boss Mike Moore.

Mr Moore, a former New Zealand Prime Minister, is in New Zealand on an official visit to update the Government and other political leaders on progress in Geneva.

Anti-free trade group GATT Watchdog has announced Mr Moore will face protests when he speaks to a Christchurch business luncheon next Monday.

They said Mr Moore masquerades as champion of the little people and an advocate for small nations, whereas the WTO represents the interests of powerful nations and big business.

But Mr Moore said the WTO had been able to enhance market access for the least developed countries, and that the logic of free trade was overwhelming, especially in New Zealand's situation.

"How can a New Zealander be opposed to exporting - what are you going to do here? Wake up! Eat all your own meat? Wear all your own wool?"

Mr Moore said in the end a country like ours needs exports, while imports were useful to a society as well.

Asked about the widespread appearance of groups opposed to free trade, he said polling showed people do believe that trade and the WTO is useful to them.

He likened the situation to the Europe, saying the European Parliament came in for criticism from many people, but there where not very many who thought things would be better if the EU was abolished.

"What they're really saying is do things better, do things differently or do them in terms of what I want."


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