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New York Times | Elaine Sciolino

LISBON -- US President Clinton was cited as meeting today with European Union officials in an ongoing effort to resolve protracted trade battles over bananas, beef and genetically modified food. But a senior administrative official was cited as saying Tuesday that it is unlikely that the United States and the European Union will make any progress in resolving the trade disputes, adding, "I wouldn't anticipate any breakthroughs on any of the trade issues."

The story says that Mr. Clinton met with Prime Minister Antonio Guterres, European Commission President Romano Prodi and other European officials at the Queluz Palace, an 18th-century guest house outside Lisbon and that President Clinton is the first president to visit Portugal since Ronald Reagan in 1985, and as Mr. Clinton opened his last scheduled trip to Europe as president, he found himself confronting the same major issues that Mr. Reagan faced - trade disputes and missile defense.New York Times:

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