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WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two-hundred-nine lawmakers in the U.S. House of Representatives said they would support or were likely to support permanent normal trade relations for China, nine votes short of the number needed for passage, according to a Reuters poll updated daily.

To clear the 435-member House, the Clinton administration must round up 218 supporters.

One-hundred-eighty-three lawmakers said they would oppose or were likely to oppose permanent normal trade relations with China, and 37 said they were undecided.

The bill's passage in the Senate is virtually assured.

Here's the latest House breakdown:

SUPPORTERS -- 202 (134 Republicans, 68 Democrats)

LEANING IN FAVOR -- 7 (all Republicans)

OPPONENTS -- 170 (46 Republicans, 122 Democrats, 2 independents)

LEANING AGAINST -- 13 (9 Republicans, 4 Democrats)

UNDECIDED -- 37 (21 Republicans, 16 Democrats)

A total of 6 lawmakers did not respond.: