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A CongressDaily survey of 28 veteran House incumbents who face tough re-election races this year reveals general support for granting China permanent normal trade relations status - and less volatility on the issue than a similar survey showed among House freshmen. These 28 members - 16 Republicans and 12 Democrats - frequently have been mentioned by independent analysts and the two party congressional campaign committees as being the most vulnerable non-freshman incumbents. While the 43 members of the freshman class appear closely divided on the issue of China's trade status - with a plurality of members in the undecided category - 14 of the veterans favor or lean in favor of PNTR, five are opposed or leaning against it and seven are undecided or declined to comment; two did not respond to the CongressDaily survey. Among the veterans, only Rep. Jim Saxton, R-N.J., has gone from previously supporting annual renewal of NTR to opposing PNTR - although Saxton's support for NTR has fluctuated over the years. On the other hand, GOP Rep. Jay Dickey of Arkansas - a top target of Democrats this year - is among the undecided after opposing annual NTR in past years. Rep. Elton Gallegly, R-Calif. - also a "no" vote in the past - is not yet taking a public position. "I am not automatically against China's entry into the World Trade Organization, but I do have some very serious concerns," Gallegly said in a prepared statement.

Vulnerable members who have voted for the annual extension but are undecided on PNTR include: Reps. Lois Capps, D-Calif., James Maloney, D-Conn., Bill Luther, D-Minn., and Chet Edwards and Ken Bentsen, both D-Texas. Indicating they were opposed or leaning against PNTR are: Reps. Merrill Cook, R-Utah, Lane Evans, D-Ill., John Hostettler, R-Ind., and Michael Forbes, D-N.Y - all of whom have opposed NTR in the past. The veteran members who support or lean in favor of PNTR include: Reps. Clay Shaw, R-Fla., Pete Sessions and Ron Paul, both R-Texas, James Rogan and Brian Bilbray, both R-Calif., Adam Smith, D-Wash., Ellen Tauscher, D-Calif., George Nethercutt, R-Wash., Jim Kolbe, R-Ariz., Anne Northup, R-Ky., Charles Bass, R-N.H., Heather Wilson, R-N.M., Steve Chabot, R-Ohio, and Charles Stenholm, D-Texas. Reps. Max Sandlin, D-Texas, and Carolyn McCarthy, D-N.Y., did not respond to the survey. - by Charlie Mitchell and Carrie May Poniewaz: