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By JOHN LEICESTER / Associated Press Writer

BEIJING (AP) -- The leader of the World Trade Organization said Friday he was "extremely hopeful" that China would this year conclude the last 14 bilateral agreements it needs to become a member of the WTO.

Of the 135 WTO members, just the European Union and 13 nations have yet to reach bilateral agreements with Beijing that would clear the way for China to join the body that makes rules for world trade.

"But it's very close in each of those and we know of no substantial reasons why those negotiations shouldn't continue," Director-General Mike Moore said.

Rita Hayes, U.S. ambassador to the WTO, also voiced confidence Friday that China should be able to join soon.

"We in the United States feel comfortable it can be done this year," Hayes said in Geneva.

Moore said he hoped negotiators from China and the European Union will finish a deal when they resume their talks next Monday. The biggest sticking points are over automobiles, insurance and tariffs on 90 products.

He said his job as head of the WTO was to facilitate talks between China and trade organization members. After those agreements are completed, further technical work is needed before China can become a WTO member.

That work could take several months, and part of the purpose of Moore's trip to China was to accelerate that process.

Moore met Premier Zhu Rongji and Foreign Trade Minister Shi Guangsheng, China's senior WTO negotiator, during his visit, which began Thursday.

"I wanted to be assured that progress was being made," Moore said. "After these meetings I am satisfied that progress is steady and good."

Apart from the EU, the 13 countries with which China must still reach deals are Argentina, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico, Guatemala, Columbia, Kyrgyzstan, Thailand, Malaysia, India, Poland, Switzerland and Latvia.: