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For Immediate Release October 24, 2000 / Contact: Clarence White, Washington NFU Office, 202-314-3191,

WASHINGTON, D.C. (October 24, 2000)-National Farmers Union (NFU) today praised the announcement by the U.S. Trade Representative to investigate marketing practices of the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) and its sale of wheat in the U.S. and third-country markets at prices below the cost of production. This investigation is in response to a petition from the North Dakota Wheat Commission and the urging of agriculture and trade groups such as Farmers Union.

"At a time when U.S. producers confront prices that are well below the cost of production, surplus stock levels that have doubled in five years and reduced export earnings, it is imperative that action be taken to restore fair trade," said Leland Swenson, president of NFU.

The Farmers Union effort was led by the North Dakota Farmers Union which urged members of Congress, the administration and North Dakota agriculture officials to join its support for this issue of utmost importance.

Farmers Union is calling for an end to the CWB practice, or that of or any other trading entity, of dumping wheat at below-market prices in the U.S. and elsewhere. Farmers Union has consistently supported competitive and transparent merchandising practices within the all aspects of agriculture.:

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