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Associated Press Online | By JONATHAN FOWLER | March 25, 2004

Governments seeking to breathe life into stalled agriculture talks at the World Trade Organization should aim by the summer to agree on a framework for a deal, trade officials said Thursday.

"We feel very strongly that 2004 shouldn't be a wasted year," U.S. chief agriculture negotiator Allen Johnson told reporters as a weeklong meeting at WTO headquarters in Geneva drew to a close. "The reality is that we have a window here. If we don't get it done by August it may be some time before we get it done at all."

A number of key WTO countries face elections later this year - in particular the United States. The makeup of the European Commission - the EU's executive - also will change as 10 new countries join the 15-nation bloc.

This is likely to compound problems which have hampered talks, as the attention of the two major WTO players shifts.

Agriculture is the biggest stumbling block in WTO negotiations to complete a new binding treaty on reducing import tariffs and other barriers to free international trade among its 146 members.

When WTO members launched the current round of negotiations in Doha, Qatar, in 2001, they set themselves a Jan. 1, 2005, deadline to reach an accord.

But the chances of meeting that target have looked more doubtful after a ministerial meeting in Cancun, Mexico, collapsed without agreement in September, mainly because of disputes over agriculture.

Poor nations are demanding massive cuts in the $1 billion per day paid by rich nations in farm subsidies, saying these give producers in developed countries an unfair advantage in global trade. They also want rich nations that import agricultural goods to drop duties which make it harder for poor countries' farmers to access such markets.

Industrialized countries want to see developing nations make cuts in import duties on agricultural products and manufactured goods, as well as accepting foreign competition in areas like communications and financial services. Many poor countries say they need the duties to ensure the survival of farmers, who often make up a majority of the population.

Some industrialized countries who export little agricultural produce, including Japan and non-EU European nations Switzerland and Norway, also are wary of the impact free trade could have on their farm sectors.

"We need to balance liberalization and the safety net," said Swiss Ambassador Luzius Wasescha, who also backed a summer deadline for a framework agreement.

"We are absolutely convinced that a one-size-fits-all approach will not lead to the desired results," he said.

Johnson said most countries agree on one thing - the rules need to change.

"If we don't move this process forward, the current system stays in place. And most countries don't like the current system."

At this week's talks, negotiators have been looking at ways to come up with a basic framework of aims and objectives that would guide future negotiations.

"There is a constructive mood," said EU negotiator Mary Minch.

"The consensus is that we should try to reach a framework agreement by the summer break," However, "we haven't really been talking text this week," she added.

"We are at the beginning of re-engaging here. At the moment this is a process of people saying what's important to them and to see what they can do to address the hopes of other trading partners. That way we can move to the middle ground."Associated Press Online:

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