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P Marilyn

Youths are one of the most important assets of the future, and it is the role of policy-makers and executives to educate them and raise their awareness of the values and benefits of the forests as well as the importance of managing the forest resources in a sustainable manner.
Director of Forestry, Haji Saidin bin Salleh, pointed this out during the announcement ceremony of the PRYNSA-10 (Princess Rashidah Young Nature Scientist Award) finalists yesterday at the Ministry of Industry and Primary Resources building.

"This common goal of strong conservation policy and the sustainable forest management is a task that requires long term commitment of all parties to ensure that our youths today will be well-educated and well-equipped for this undertaking," he added.

He stressed that real appreciation of nature can only be attained through actual involvement of the students in nature-related projects in the field as practical experiences in the field foster a far more significant impact in promoting greater understanding of the subject that had been taught during the theory session in the classroom.

"The Forestry Department sees PRYNSA as not only a suitable platform in providing our younger generation with the necessary knowledge and understanding about the forests but also indirectly contribute in boosting the students' self-confidence, dedication, innovativeness and involvement, all of which are essential for the students' continuing education and professional development," he said.

Meanwhile, the guest of honour, Managing Director of Brunei Shell Petroleum (BSP) Company Sdn Bhd, Dr Grahaeme Henderson spoke on BSP's involvement with PRYNSA as a reflection of its commitment towards the environment and the community, in which it conducts its business.

He emphasised the ways in which the company managed the challenges of protecting the environment while engaged in business activities and making crucial contributions to the economic and social life of Brunei.

"Firstly, we use innovation and technology to drive our efforts to produce oil and gas in a sustainable way. By 2050, two-thirds of the world's energy will still come from fossil fuels such as oil and natural gas. It is important therefore that we develop these precious resources in a clean and efficient, or 'green' manner so that they can continue to help fuel economic growth and prosperity for us all," he said.

The second crucial way in which the company demonstrates its concern and care towards the environment is by adopting and integrating the most stringent environmental controls and standards in business activities.

"Our environmental performance management is centred on the global environmental standard, ISO 14001. All our facilities and processes have been certified as ISO 14001 compliant," he noted.

"We have made substantial progress in key areas of our environmental performance such as drastically reducing greenhouse gas emission and cutting down on waste production to significant levels, both within a relatively short period of time," he added.

The third way is by actively contributing efforts towards protecting the environment through community development programmes.

"PRYNSA is special because it aims to encourage interest in the protection of the environment amongst our young people. Participation in the project provides a fantastic opportunity for learning first-hand about the environment and how we are so dependent on it," said Dr Henderson.

Brunei Shell Petroleum will embark on another major environmental-based community development programme soon in collaboration with the Science, Technology and Environment Partnership or STEP Centre of the Ministry of Education.

This nationwide competition involves the younger population and is designed to support the recently launched 'Green Heart of Borneo', which is aimed at protecting the vast and unique biodiversity stretching across Borneo Island.

The Forestry Department under the Ministry of Industry and Primary Resources, in synergy with its long term strategic plan, will continue to implement PRYNSA as part of its ongoing commitment towards education and inculcating awareness among the younger generation of the importance and benefits of protecting and conserving the forests.Borneo Bulletin