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From the Rainbow Warrior in the Gulf of Oman.

With the help of Indymedia, Greenpeace intends to put on the web at least 1 hour of english programming a day during the WTO meeting, more as we can manage. We are also planning some Arabic programming.

The origin of the "broadcasts" will be the Greenpeace ship Rainbow Warrior, as it is docked in Doha, Qatar during the 4th Ministerial meeting of the World Trade Organization. (WTO)

Indymedia ( is a decentralized infrastructure of media sources (web, radio, video, tv, etc) in 50 cities around the world since it was started at the WTO meeting in Seattle (1999).

Greenpeace has founded in Canada in 1971 and has offices in over 30 countries. The first Rainbow Warrior was bombed by French military agents in Auckland in 1985.

We hope that others will send us finished programming, and that others will use our programming on their radio station and/or web sites.

A big part of what we want to do is bring WTO protests to the delegates. Not many will listen at firest, but some will. If have important things to say, more will listen.

Another part is to inform people around the globe of what is happening at the meeting. Hopefully they will use the information to put pressure on their governments.


For up to the minute details of the voyage of the Rainbow Warrior: