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New Mexico pecan farmers have shipped more than 2 million pounds of pecans to China in a two-month period, and state agriculture officials are hopeful large-scale exports of the southern New Mexico specialty will continue to grow.

"We think there's potential for tremendous growth, not only in the Pacific Rim and China, but also the Middle East," said Ed Avalos, marketing director for the state Agriculture Department.

Pecans shipped in December and January were valued at $4.5 million.

The idea for the international sales first arose last fall, when department marketer James Ditmore attended a trade show in Paris. There, Ditmore met buyers from China who expressed an interest in pecans. That led them to visit New Mexico and meet with growers, Avalos said.

Dick Salopek, who farms pecans north of Las Cruces, said part of his crop was included in the overseas shipment. He said the new market bodes well for the upcoming season, which is expected to be a heavy crop.

"With the Chinese buying, it will keep the demand high and the price high," he said. "It's exciting."

Salopek said Chinese retailers prepare pecans by cracking the shell slightly, soaking them in a flavor solution and roasting them. This makes the preparation less labor-intensive than the shelling that takes place in the United States.

Salopek is optimistic that overseas demand will remain strong.

"Pecans are like chili," he said. "It's habit-forming."

Avalos said New Mexico's high-quality pecans caught the eye of buyers.

Other states, such as Georgia, produce many pecans but much of the production is from native trees. But Avalos said the quality from natives isn't as good as the improved varieties that make up all of New Mexico's crop.Associated Press via The New Mexican