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BIO-IPR is an irregular listserver -- or electronic mailing list -- put out by Genetic Resources Action International (GRAIN). The purpose of the list is to inform peoples' and nongovernment organisations, researchers, activists and policy makers about recent developments in the field of intellectual property rights (IPRs) related to biodiversity and associated knowledge.

Postings to the list include full-text documents and resource pointers. It is not a discussion forum. However, participants are encouraged to submit press releases, news reports, articles, alerts and information about their work, especially reflecting what is happening at the local or national level. BIO-IPR is a strictly noncommercial and educational service for nonprofit organisations and individuals who are active in the struggle against IPRs on life.

== To join the list, send the word "subscribe" (no quotes) as the subject of an email message to . To get off the list, send the word "unsubscribe".

== To submit a posting to the list, address it to .We look forward to your participation. Please feel free to circulate this announcement to potential subscribers.

GRAIN Girona 25, pral. 08010 Barcelona Spain Tel: (34-93) 301 13 81 Fax: (34-93) 301 16 27 Email::