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Mohawk Paper Co. customers using papers made with windpowered electricity can now use a logo publicizing the environmentally friendly nature of their products.

The "Green-e" symbol is held by the Green-e Renewable Electricity Certification Program and administered by the Center for Resource Solutions. The symbol signifies that the manufacturer is purchasing electricity from windpower or other renewable energy resources.

Mohawk produces papers in its Windpower Portofilo entirely with wind-generated electricity. This means customers whose projects involve those papers can use the logo.

"There is tremendous value in displaying the Green-e logo, for our customers as well as Mohawk," said George Miner, the company's senior vice president for environmental and government affairs. "This is an easy way for our customers to clearly demonstrate their company's sustainability efforts."

"For Mohawk the value lies in the endorsement of an independent third party and a lead environmental organization," he said in a written statement.

There are nine different papers in Mohawk's windpower manufactured line.The Business Review