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Calling all Fair Trade activists:

An action kit is now available to help make your community a Fair Trade Zone!

People everywhere are "thinking globally and acting locally" like never before. The battle in Seattle against the World Trade Organization was largely about values: will the corporate agenda of deregulation, privatization and "free" trade dominate decision making into the next century or will communities work together to create a people-centered system that prioritizes human rights, environmental and public health, quality jobs and community well being? Now is the time to engage our communities in an effort to redefine the direction of global economy. What type of world do we want to live in and pass on to future generations? What are we against? What are we for? How do we get there?

The process of building grassroots globalization starts from the bottom up. Imagine city councils all across the country passing resolutions to: oppose the unaccountable World Trade Organization, boycott World Bank bonds, invest in socially and environmentally responsible funds, support the purchase of fair trade coffee and sustainably grown or recycled wood products, and implement living wage policies. These are just a few of the initiatives included in the Fair Trade Zone packet as well as the basics to get you started.

Join the movement working to turn a vision of a just and environmentally sustainable global economy into reality. Get a Fair Trade Zone Packet today and begin the process of transferring power out of the hands of corporations and back into our local communities. Download the packet off the Global Exchange web site at or call Rosalyn at 415-558-9486 ext. 351. This is an evolving project - please call or email Rosalyn with your ideas, feedback, questions and updates on what works and doesn't work. Thanks!

-- Deborah James Fair Trade Director 415.255.7296 ext.245: