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Date: Wednesday, October 31, 2001 14:13 +0100 From: webmaster To: All Public Users Subject: fake WTO website

Dear WTO website users

Please read the warning below about a fake WTO Internet site. Be vigilant if you visit this site as it contains features designed to obtain your e-mail address. For example avoid the search facility: it uses a form which will reveal your e-mail address to the fake site's operators , who may then make use of it to send you misinformation in the name of the WTO. Genuine messages from the WTO all end with rather than with


A fake WTO website - - has been created to deceive Internet users by copying the entire official WTO website. While the design is identical, the texts have been distorted. The fake site also uses the email address

The use of WTO designs, logos and materials is strictly unauthorized. Worse, some pages on the fake website could cause unsuspecting visitors to reveal their e-mail addresses and other information to the site's operators. The fake site could also be picked up by search engines, a nuisance for serious users looking for genuine information.

The only official WTO site is