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IATP's Environment and Agriculture (E&A) Program seeks a Marketing Associate to lead a path-breaking major ecological benefits marketing project in the Great Lakes Basin. Good land use, farming and forestry practices provide multiple ecological benefits to the Basin, including
benefits to water quality, fish and wildlife habitat, flood protection, open space preservation, carbon sequestration, and energy conservation.


The goal of the project is to develop new sources of money that promote conservation practices in the Great Lakes Basin. This position is intended to develop a framework that promotes new markets for the sale, purchase and
trading of ecological services, credits and related benefits. Potential purchasers of these benefits include downstream water utilities, fish and wildlife groups, insurance companies, energy utilities, and organizations
promoting tourism.

- The primary responsibilities will be to assist in a planning process that is developing a framework for developing markets for the production, sale, and purchase of green benefits.
- The Associate will foster relationships between green benefits providers and purchasers.
- The Associate will work closely with a set of experts in this field of large-scale marketing and contracting for ecological services.
- The Associate must develop working relationships with watershed organizations, forestry cooperatives, and individual landowners in the Great Lakes Basin.


- Marketing experience
- Knowledge of various financial instruments (e.g., bonding) and contracting involving corporations, utilities, foundations, and non-profits is preferred
- Knowledge and interest in environmental issues
- Bachelor's degree, preferably in marketing or an environmental field
- Excellent written and oral communication skills
- An ability to work closely with a diversity of different interests, including farmers, foresters, businesses, insurance and banking personnel, environmental organizations, and scientists
- Internet and Web site experience would be preferred
- Experience in developing outreach materials and organizing meetings preferred
- Well-organized, self-motivated self-starter (important)
- Experience in developing outreach materials

Term, Compensation, Location

This is a full-time, six-month position. We hope to extend the position if additional funding becomes available.

IATP's competitive compensation for this position will be based upon the Associate's experience and applicable skills.

The Marketing Associate may be based in a location within the Great Lakes Basin.


This position is available as of August 16, 2001.

Please send your letter of interest, references and resume immediately and no later than August 15 to: Mark Muller, IATP, 2105 First Ave. South, Minneapolis, MN 55404. Fax: 612-870-4846. E-mail:


IATP works globally to promote resilient family farms, rural communities and ecosystems through research and education, science and technology, and advocacy. For more information on IATP, please visit our Web site,

IATP is an equal opportunity employer. We actively encourage people of color to apply for this position and all positions at IATP.