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The U.S. Grains Council is sponsoring the Joint Officer's Mission for its officers and the National Corn Growers Association (NCGA), June 21-30. Leaders from both organizations are taking part in an 11-day mission to learn more about agricultural markets in Vietnam and China. "The purpose of this mission is not only to analyze the current market situation, demand trends and feed grain import potentials in Vietnam and China, but also an opportunity to showcase U.S. Grains Council programs, which are geared toward developing markets for these two countries with huge U.S. feed grains export potentials," said Kenneth Hobbie, USGC president and CEO. "We're happy that NCGA leadership is able to see in-person the many programs that the Council has been conducting on the ground and the business partnerships that we have developed throughout the years. These partnerships serve as the foundation for both current and future U.S. feed grain demand in these countries." Marking the first day on the ground, the group spent Friday in Ho Chi Min City and the surrounding area, meeting with representatives from Cargill and Charoen Pokprand, the world's largest feed miller, as well as touring a grain facility operated by Lai Thieu, a private, local company with three feed mills in Vietnam. The team continues the mission in China on Monday, June 26.Aberdeen American News