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Facilities provided to attend the 4th WTO Ministerial Conference As Non-Governmental Organizations need to prepare for their attendance at the fourth Ministerial Conference of the WTO to be held in Doha from 9 to 13 November 2001, WTO Members have agreed on 8 May 2001 to renew the same procedures for registration adopted for the previous Ministerial Conferences held in Singapore (December 1996), Geneva (May 1998) and Seattle (December 1999). Applications from NGOs to be registered will be accepted on the basis of Article V, paragraph 2 of the WTO Agreement, i.e. such NGOs "concerned with matters related to those of the WTO". When filing their request for registration to attend the Doha Ministerial Conference, NGOs must supply in detail all necessary information showing how they are concerned with matters related to those of the WTO. In addition, it would be appreciated if NGOs would provide more general information on the institutional structure of their organization, pertaining to such matters as national, regional and international representation, number of staff, membership and financial statements. Finally, it is important to indicate whether your organization has been registered at previous WTO Ministerial Meetings. Requests for registration accompanied by the information requested above, should be sent either by mail to:

External Relations Division Centre William Rappard 154, rue de Lausanne 1211 Geneva 21 Switzerland;

or to the following email address:

Registration requests must be received by 2 July 2001. Requests for registration received after that date will not be processed.

Confirmation of your organization's eligibility to register will be sent, together with the individual registration forms, as from 1 August 2001, after the list of NGOs having requested registration has been circulated to WTO Members.

In light of the expected interest among NGOs in attending the Doha Ministerial Conference, certain limits may have to be placed on the number of representatives per NGO delegation. Further information, including the procedures for reservation of hotel accommodation and visa application, will be provided in the letter confirming registration eligibility.

Once individual registration forms have been sent, these should be returned to the above address as soon as possible and in any case not later than 17 September 2001.

Please note that:

All forms are numbered and cannot be copied; only authentic and duly signed originals will be accepted;

Incomplete forms will not be accepted; all information requested has to be provided, including recent passport size photographs.

As from 1 October 2001, NGOs will receive confirmation of registration. On that basis, badges will be made available in Doha which allow access to all official Ministerial related venues. CONTACT US : World Trade Organization, rue de Lausanne 154, CH-1211 Geneva 21, Switzerland: