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International news | August 30, 1999

PARIS - French President Jacques Chirac on Monday expressed concern in a meeting with the co-presidents of the TransAtlantic Business Dialogue over an escalating trade dispute between the EU and the United States.

The French head of state expressed hope in talks with Jerome Monod, president of Suez-Lyonnaise des Eaux, and Richard Thoman, president of Xerox, that the dispute would soon be resolved.

He said he regretted the US move early last month to impose punitive 100-percent import tariffs on goods from the European Union, and notably France.

The US sanctions, approved by the World Trade Organisation, are an attempt to force Europe to back down from a ban on US beef treated with growth hormones.

The TABD headed by Monod and Thoman aims to ease trade relations and investments between the United States and its European partners.International news: