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Fraser Papers, a specialty paper company with operations in New England and Canada, has announced a plan to install a heat exchange unit at its Thurso, Quebec, pulp mill as part of an energy-saving and environmental program.

The heat exchanger, which will be installed by ForEverGreen Energy on the mill's main heat stack, will turn heat waste from the plant into thermal power that the company can use on-site.

Fraser estimates that the exchanger will lower energy costs by cutting the fossil fuels the mill currently uses by 5 to 10 percent, and will also reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases released in the pulping process, including nitrous oxide and sulfur dioxide.

The company also estimates that the GHG emissions reductions will be equivalent to taking 2,000 cars off the road, which is more than twice the total number of cars driven by Thurso residents. Installation on the heat exchange unit is expected to begin in October 2007.GreenBiz