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On November 15th, European Parliament voted in plenary a clause that expressed the Parliament's grave worries about the development of unsustainable water management schemes and infrastructures by the Spanish Government by 224 in favour, to 161 against and 30 abstentions.

Paragraph 28 which received the support of the majority stated that the European parliament: "Is deeply worried about the precedent set by proposals for the development of unsustainable water management schemes across Europe, such as the Spanish National Hydrological Plan (NHP), adopted by the Spanish Senate on 20 June 2001 and which includes proposals to build up to 118 new dams and widespread irrigation infrastructure, as they do not address the issue of sustainable water use through pricing mechanisms and other water conservation measures;"

Read the Green/European Free Alliance Press Release at

More information about the Spanish National Hydrological Plan on ERNs Server for living Rivers at: