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BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Union said on Tuesday it was considering launching a World Trade Organization (WTO) case against the United States over a U.S. move to impose punitive tariffs on steel imports.

In a statement, the EU's executive Commission voiced serious concerns about the U.S. measures, announced last Friday, calling them unjustified.

"The Commission is carefully studying the content of the announced measures to assess their impact on the Community (EU) industries concerned and is examining a possible request for WTO dispute settlement in these cases," the Commission said.

As an immediate step, it would request consultations with the U.S. authorities over the issue, it said.

The White House said last week that tariffs on imported line pipe would increase by up to 19 percent, while steel wire rod would face additional duties of up to 10 percent.

The European Commission said the measures would affect the main EU makers of these products in several member states, including Germany, Britain, France, Italy, Spain and Greece.: