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European Commission | Press release | 25 January 2001

Brussels - The European Union and Chile have settled two trade disputes, over taxation of alcoholic beverages, and swordfish. The announcement came after a meeting between European Trade Commissioner Pascal Lamy and Chilean Minister for Foreign Affairs Soledad Alvear in Brussels. `We had two problems, now we have zero problems,' Commissioner Lamy told journalists.

The solution to the so-called swordfish dispute reconciles EU rights to access to Chilean ports with Chilean concerns over fish stock conservation. A separate dispute over Chile's taxation regime for alcoholic beverages was resolved with Chile's adoption of a new, World Trade Organisation-compatible regime, to be phased in gradually.

Commissioner Lamy and Minister Alvear also took stock of progress in negotiations on an Association Agreement, which were seen as being right on track. They also found common ground regarding an agenda for a new WTO round. `I can confirm we see eye to eye on both,' said Lamy.European Commission: