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Agence France Presse

STOCKHOLM, March 12 (AFP) - The European Union called Monday on China to guarantee by law the right to form and join trade unions.

In a statement, the EU welcomed China's ratification last month of the UN International Convention on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.

"The EU is concerned, however, at the decision by China to make a declaration to the effect that Chinese legislation takes precedence over article 8:1 (a) of the Convenant, which guarantees the right to form and join a trade union of one's choice," the statement said.

"The EU hopes that China will, as a matter of priority, bring its legislation into line with the provision of the Covenant" on that issue, said the statement released by Sweden, the current holder of the rotating EU presidency.

The covenant was adopted by the Chinese legislature on February 28.

The legislature said however in a statement reported by Xinhua news agency that "the Chinese government will assume the obligations prescribed" by the agreement with respect to trade union law and labor law.

China's trade union law explicitly states that there is only one legal trade union in China, the All China Federation of Trade Unions, and any other trade union is unlawful.: