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Globe and Mail | By Steven Chase | April 14, 2004

OTTAWA -- Ottawa has launched a probe into complaints the Chinese are subsidizing and dumping outdoor barbecues at discount prices in this country.

Trade-watchers say it's the first time in Canada or the United States that a government has investigated subsidy allegations against China.

The probe is a sign that fast-growing Communist China, which only recently joined the World Trade Organization, is now being held to higher standards for international commercial behaviour.

The Canada Border Services Agency is following up on a complaint from Fiesta Barbecues Ltd. of Brampton, Ont.

Fiesta alleges that the dumping and subsidization of barbecues is costing Canadian companies profit, market share and sales -- and is also eliminating Canadian jobs.

The CBSA will take 90 days to decide whether the barbecues are being dumped or subsidized.

The Canadian International Trade Tribunal will separately begin a 60-day investigation into whether the barbecues are injuring Canadian companies.

Tariffs could be levied on the Chinese barbecues if probes confirm the allegations and find significant injury is being caused.Globe and Mail: