October 6th at 12:00pm CDT - October 6th at 1:00pm CDT
School Food Revolution?
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The nation's attention is riveted on school food these days. Are the days of tater tots and chocolate milk on school lunch trays numbered? A movement to improve the food kids get at school is underway, but is it working?
Two years ago, The Institute of Medicine (IOM) issued new nutrition guidelines for school food. One year later President Obama included several of IOM’s recommendations in the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010. Meanwhile, parents and school leaders around the country have been working to improve the food kids are served at school.
In this webinar we’ll have insiders from the school food movement answer some key questions about recent changes: Are these efforts positively impacting children’s health? Given budget constraints, is it realistic to expect schools to meet the new IOM standards? Is new demand for local foods in schools benefitting farmers?
JoAnne Berkenkamp of the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP), along with Toni Liquori and Laura Stanley from School Food FOCUS, will provide a snapshot of the work that’s already underway, including a case study from Chicago, and discuss what lies ahead in the quest to improve school food and children’s health.