October 10th at 8:30am CDT - October 11th at 12:00pm CDT
Food + Justice = Democracy Pre-Planning Conference: 2012 and Beyond
Can mainstream cooperation help the food justice movement achieve its goals? Activists are gathering from all over the country for a free, two-day summit to ask: "What will it take to build a fair, just and healthy food system?"
Aqeela Sherrills, Transformative Change and The Reverence Project
Sam Simmons, Simmons Consulting
Hli Lee Xyooj, Farmers Legal Action Group
Monica Whie, Wayne State University
Valerie Martinez, Indigenous Peoples Green Jobs Coalition
Charlotte Williams, Center for New Community
Garat Ibrahim, Center for New Community
Cruz Salucio, Coalition of Immolakee Workers
- Highlight the narratives/experiences of people of color and the food system
- Build a conference agenda for 2012 that will build solidarity across the continuum of justice issues
- Envision a fair, just and healthy food system for all
- Seed actions that will create the food system we want through projects and public policy in the United States
Monday, Oct. 10, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Various speakers will present the historical, political and social context for food justice from the perspective of communities of color and indigenous nations.
Tuesday, Oct. 11, 9:00 a.m. – Noon
Discuss the potential for developing a national campaign against increased corporate control within the food system. This conversation will identify interest in a national campaign.
Space is limited. To RSVP please email Eleonore at ewesserle@iatp.org or call (612) 870-3425.