November 1st at 12:00am CDT - November 3rd at 12:00am CDT
Dialogue on Transformation
Today’s world faces increasingly interlinked global crises such as hunger, poverty, global warming, social injustice in different sectors, in large part due to the way the global finance and economic architecture is structured. At the same time, the geopolitical situation of the world is changing. Greater reflection needs to take place on how civil society organizations engage with these crises and foster a much deeper systemic shift based on revisiting global, regional and national institutions and their approaches and strategies deployed by governments, the private sector. How can civil society organizations effectively contribute to a “Great Transformation” out of these systemic challenges of our time?
The Dialogue on Transformation, organized by Germanwatch and co-sponsered by IATP, will discuss challenges of the Great Transformation amongst international civil society actors and engage on the following:
- How can civil society tackle these multiple challenges?
- What role can they play in the Great Transformation?
- What are important actors and agents of change?
- What are important alliances to build?
- What best practices already provide success stories and what lessons learned could be drawn from them?
- How can a CSO movement overcome existing imbalances of power between corporate interests and peoples' needs?
The Dialogue will focus on twin challenges of climate change and access to affordable energy; and agriculture and the right to food. Together with participants from around the world, the conference aims to build a common vision, identify a momentum for change in the energy and agriculture sectors, and create a space for CSOs to examine their roles in this process and think creatively about strategic alliances needed for the “Great Transformation.”
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